During the first quarter of 2019, Nuevo León positioned itself as Mexico's largest recipient of foreign direct investment, attracting $1.18 billion US dollars, according to a report released by the Federal Ministry of Economy.
Nuevo León starts 2019 heading the list of states that captured the highest Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Mexico. Data for the first quarter of the year provided by the Federal Ministry of Economy revealed that the flow of investment to Nuevo León was $1,184.95 million dollars, representing 12% of the investment captured nationwide in that period.
In addition, the growth of FDI in Nuevo León in the first quarter of 2019 was 14.5% higher than the preliminary figure for the same period in 2018 ($1,034.9 million), and even growth was greater compared to the growth of the National FDI, which was 7%.
The investments made by foreign companies during the first quarter of 2019 will contribute to the economy of Nuevo León with the creation of more than 2,700 direct jobs.
"Economic development, so that it does not leave anyone behind, must be sought together with all the actors of society. In this administration, we have sought the direct and organized participation of Government, companies, unions and academia and that has resulted in sustained growth", commented the Secretary of Economy and Labor of Nuevo León, Roberto Russildi, regarding the results of the state in terms of foreign investment.
The positive trend observed in the economy of Nuevo León responds to the economic policy implemented by the State Government through the Ministry of Economy and Labor; to the strategic location of the state; and the most productive society in the country.
"Nuevo León also has a long economic tradition that today is reflected in solid and efficient supply chains for many industries. We also have first-class infrastructure such as connectivity with highways, airports, proximity to the border with the United States and a talented and qualified society that is trained in public and private universities"
"Another factor is the quality of life in the city; the Metropolitan Area of Monterrey, for the services it offers, is attractive for the families that accompany foreign capital and make our state land of opportunities ", Russildi explained.
In the first quarter of 2019, 122 new companies registered in the National Registry of Foreign Investments in Mexico, of which 12 were registered in Nuevo León (10%).
The interest in Nuevo León comes from all over the world. Most of the attracted investment in the first quarter comes from the United States, which represented 43% of total FDI. This represents an achievement for the Ministry of Economy and Labor, by maintaining the confidence of American investors in the state, in a context of changes in the Mexico-United States relationship in commercial matters.
Likewise, investment was registered from Europe. 20% of the foreign investment that arrived in Nuevo León is from the Netherlands and 9% from Spain, a country visited in the economic mission carried out in March and which resulted in a collaboration agreement with the government of the Basque Country.
In addition, Asia continues to show interest in the state of Nuevo León, as the arrival of Korean and Japanese capital was shown in the first three months of the year.