The sector grew 38% and contributes 11.7% of the production value of companies in the country.
Based on the report of Indicators of Construction Companies published by INEGI, the value of the production of the companies of Nuevo León amounted to $ 2,985.6 million pesos in January, an increase of 37.85% compared to the same month last year. José Francisco Guajardo, president of the Mexican Chamber of the Construction Industry (CMIC), Nuevo León delegation, pointed out that “Both December and the first months of each year are difficult for the construction sector and this is reflected in the numbers, but this year we had the advantage that the government-held tenders and we started the year working, so if you compare the first month of 2019 against January 2020, you will see a significant increase. ” He added that hopefully, this is a dynamic that is maintained since it energizes the sector because resources for public works begin to be exercised from the first month of the year.