Tuesday, July 24, 2018
During the current Administration more than 10 billion dollars of foreign capital in new companies and expansions have been invested, which makes the State the best place to invest and do business.
After announcing the establishment and expansion of two new companies that will invest 70 million dollars in the entity, Nuevo León continues to position itself as the state that offers the best conditions to invest, said the Governor.
Jaime Rodríguez Calderón also pointed that during his Administration, the State has captured more than 10 billion dollars in foreign capital.
"I know that most of the companies in the world seek conditions and Nuevo Leon has an extraordinary condition on all topics," said the state governor.
"I have always said that no company will come to Nuevo León if Nuevo León were wrong.”
"No one would invest if Nuevo León would not have the conditions of security, training of its workers, adequacy in education, infrastructure and the adequate financial system, water and sufficient energy."
The Governor held a meeting with officials from the Ministry of Economy and Labor, where new investments for Nuevo León were announced.
The company of Korean origin LS Automotive Corp. will be located in the Industrial Park Finsa Guadalupe, where with an investment of 61 million dollars will generate 1,063 direct jobs.
LS Automotive Corp. is one of the largest market sharers for vehicle and component switches in Korea and internationally. Founded in 1973, it has its headquarters in Ansan, South Korea.
In addition, it was reported that the company Conduent Inc., based in New Jersey, United States, will allocate an investment of 9 million dollars generating 420 direct jobs.
Conduent Inc. is a technology-led business process services company based in New Jersey, United States, offering digital platforms for businesses and governments.
Samuel Peña, Undersecretary of Investment and Industrial Development, explained that from October 2015 to date, investments of new companies and expansions have been announced, representing 10 billion dollars of FDI from 202 foreign companies.
Source: http://www.nl.gob.mx/noticias/se-consolida-nuevo-leon-como-potencia-en-inversion-extranjera
