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Aerospace industry in Nuevo León
+3,500 direct jobs in the Aerospace Industry in Nuevo Leon.
+US $800 million sales venue in the aerospace industry in Nuevo Leon.
CIIA, Center for research and innovation in aeronautical engineering, located in Del Norte Airport in Escobedo.
By 2020, Nuevo Leon will be the top R&D hub of the country for advanced manufacturing and aerospace desing.
Nuevo Leon has an aero cluster conformed by 22 companies, 6 R&D centers, and 2 State Government dependencies.
The Aerospace Cluster of Nuevo León is an association that works under the Triple-Helix Model (Universities+ Companies+Government) with over 40 members. Its main objective is to foster the competitiveness and developmet of the sector in the region.
Aerospace Flyer - Download here
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